Thursday, October 16, 2008

Color, Cold, and Conference

So we figured it was time to pull our heads out of our textbooks long enough to update our blog!  With school and work dominating most of our days we don't have to much to report but a few things have been going on!
First little change: I got my hair dyed. If you have known me in the past 3 years, even in passing, you know that I commonly get bored with my hair and like to change it up. This time I went with red, again. Now if you saw me last time I tried going red you must be thinking "oh no! Not again!" but rest assured there was no grocery store box color used this time and so instead of bright red, something akin to The Little Mermaid, its a nice darkish brown red and Josh likes it which is pretty much the deciding factor for me! (On a side note if anybody has any tips on how to make hair color last longer and not fade I'd love to hear it!)Who knows in a few months I may try blue! (Josh says "ya right")
Second (well its not so much a change just a commentary) thing: We loved General Conference! It is a bit after the fact to be blogging on it, but we really enjoyed having the time to be together and focus on the things that really should be focused on. We spent all day Sunday cuddled up in our Pj's and blankets and listened and talked about what we had heard. One of the best weekends we've ever had! The only slight damper was when we went to make sugar cookies that evening! Josh and I kinda did some tag team cooking. (not recommended) In other words while we both had other things we were working on one person would go add a few ingredients and then come back to their project and then the next person would get up and add the next thing needed. Well in the end we ended up with a cup more flour than called for, some vain attempts at adding bits of other ingredients to balance things out, and some not very good cookies! 
The third and last thing: We are mourning fall! My favorite season by far is fall and it was really shaping up to be a nice one. Sadly our beautiful fall was brutally interrupted by snow!! Now I shouldn't have been that shocked by the weather change, it is mid October after all, but the cold front definitely took us by surprise! Though we regret seeing this season leaving there are somethings we are looking forward to with winter: building snowmen, hot cocoa, Christmas, and learning to snowboard if time allows! 
Thats about all going on with us, so with a groan we shall return to our textbooks and hope that we'll survive the semester!


Gail said...

Cute and good writing ... but where are the photos? I love photos!!

Kate and Josh said...

I'll see what I can do! Ans as for you, I love blogs where are the blogs on your page?